Sharing the love of Christ in practical ways.It is the act of FAITH in believing God for what is not seen and allowing Him to make it
into Substance and Evidence. (Hebrews 11:1)
FAITH PROMISE is the vehicle by which the local church finds the ability to have a
consistent provision of needed funds to reach the world with this great gospel!
Missions at CCBC
Albright, Spain Almanzar, Maine
Auterson, France Baird, Good News Prison Ministry
Brookins, Uganda Dimakos, Greece
Fernandez, Pakistan Hirtzell, Vanuatu
Lewis, Cross Cultural Training
Lukyanovs, Estonia Lyons, Asia
McNeill, Fathers in the Field
Minton, Ukraine Moeller, Scotland
Dustin Reinhardt, Chile David Reinhardt, Chile
Reynolds, Manna Worldwide
Ross, Korea BBFI Missions Office
Cañon City Pregnancy Cañon City Loaves and Fishes
Faith Comes By Hearing Gideons International
Canon Community Baptist Church funds all of our missionaries through Faith Promise Giving.
Because of a great number of participants and their generosity we are able to support all of
the missionaries and organizations listed above.