New To CCBC?

Welcome! Below is more info about our church.


Our services usually include a few songs that are easy to learn and sing along with.

Preaching & Teaching

Jesus is central to everything we do. And we know Him and His will for us by engaging frequently with his Word. 


Join us before and after services for refreshments and great conversation. We’d love to get to know you more!


Sunday School 9:00am
Morning Worship 10:00am
Evening Service 5:00pm

No evening service on 2/12

February 11th 

Ladies Bible Study
the Gospel of John
1pm and 6:30pm

Meets in the Chapel 




February 13th

Senior Luncheon 11:30am
Featuring speaker from
our Community.

:February 15th 9am

Girlfriends Cafe
Fellowship Hall

Are you looking to:
Build Relationships?
Connect Generations?
Encourage Spiritual Growth?

Join Us!
Girlfriends, Good Times,
& God’s Word


Ladies Prayer Group 9:30am
Men’s Prayer Time 9:30am

Dinner and Bible Study 

Every Month 

No Strings Attached
Ladies Quilting Group

Meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday 
every month at 9am


Thank you for your gift!
 At CCBC we use the Givelify App
 for our online giving.  Click the
button below to go to our donation